Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fifth Gear makes me want to vomit

Seriously. Lets talk about this.

Are they joking. Do people drink that much in the UK to tolerate this garbage.
How many times do i have to see Tiff (who at one time was cool) and Jason,(cool normally) do some dumb race. Buses... WTHell. It started out bad, got worse throughout the season, next episode if they keep up they'll be racing their own deficant and pretending its cool.

Speaking of deficant, the boobs that host. Tim should just end it. It would be more entertaining if he was a cutter. Tom Ford is a lame fatso, I think fatso as a term would make a comeback if it was just related to having to sit through a season 16 episode. Now sometimes he shows potential when he ditches hosting duties, but honestly is 2009 the year of lame.

Johnny. What happened. When you weren't constrained to your little 3 retarded tests, like this season, you were becoming a favorite and a reason to watch, but lately... Dude. I loved the old quirky, bio diesel Johnny. It is clear Tim and Tom are writing his scripts.

VBH. Crap. Where did you go . Have you abandoned a sinking ship, or can you be the captain titanic never had. England needs you, TV needs you, People in the US need you..... STOP, CARS... and maybe even Frodo and Ben Wise Ganjee deserve your intervention. Give her full production duties, let her fire the tards... and save Fifth Gear.

In short, Fifth Gear WAS a slightly less cool version of top Gear... lately, just a reason to delay starting your Top Gear episode... cause sometime when top Gear starts, you wish it would never end, and fifth gear just holds back the pain of hitting start, cause start means you will soon have a stop.... Fifth Gear is akin to a zit... a nasty sore to be popped, so that the normal bronzed muscular skin that shall be known as Top Gear can show itself again next week. Hope this makes its way to Five / BBC, cause we really want another quality show to hold us over between Top Gear episodes.