Monday, December 12, 2005


There are three people will appreciate this look at the Original SME Planning Session. Just thought I'd post this to entice the planning of another 4 activity day...SNOMOBODO. The second pic is also Old School from the class of Muggin. Check out these cuties! 2003 Inno Summit

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Ok, so I am back on the roads....

Got the car that I wanted before the REX.

1999 M3, 70k, loaded...

Better pix to come

Friday, November 11, 2005


My little car, almost perfect. Fast, and my home away from home, well... Here's the official. Went over the embankment, not a straight down cliff, nor down a hill... somewhere inbetween. Car flipped mulitple times landing on the roof near a stream. Somehow I ended up on the road where the Ambulance seemed to arrive near instantly. It was later that I learned, that The ambulance took about 30 minutes, and I don't know if i emerged from the car after a short time, knocked out, or if I was on the street quickly.

The 3 wreckers needed 100 ft of cable to get the car up the cliff/hill. I presumably escaped from the car (window or door) but don't remember how, and ran up the hill. On the stretcher I found out that I salvaged my laptop from the wreckage.

That's that, now in the market for a new ride.


Saturday, November 05, 2005


How many il 50's do you need. Four is about right. There infinity's were originally 1800 a set. I managed to grab my new black set to compliment the tan ones for 200 bucks.

New bike

Yea that is my new bike. Its pretty much the same, just a little rougher.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Skyline GTR

This is wireless. And bad ass. There is a website now with a video of the new car.
I had heard it is going to be like 60,000 or more, but I'll put it on my X mas list anyway.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


This is exactly what I want. THe new quad G5, two 30 inch displays, 16 gb of ram, you know the basics...So I guess I'll crack my piggy bank and go get one, unless some relative wants to know my Christmas list.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's Tough

Yea, it has been difficult here in Maui, and the tough thing is we have 8 more days. What to do ?

Monday, August 22, 2005

Well i finished putting in my lawn. Not bad, and it isn't dead yet. that'S because i have automatic sprinklers also.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Just in case you were wondering Here's what I am using this week. 7610, can't leave home w/o it. BB7250. In order to feel important I have decided I always need a blackberry. This is the latest, w/BT, andcolor screen with pix. My weekend phone V 70 has carried into the week, as it is just so cute. Last my new LG8100. WOW, awesome phone, CDMA is comin up. I have full movies on it, plus mp3's. The stereo speakers are beyond sufficient.

Exhaust Upgrade

I was really thinking about switching from my current Borla Hush setup to this bitchin setup. Let me know if you agree that this is pretty sick. Infact, I picked up some other good ideas here LINK I highly suggest you check it out.


Stupid Headset

You know i was so bummed about this headset. The moto hs 850. Everybody in the world has it and i will be indistinguisable from the masses. They will not know that i am an uber gadget guy, they will think i am some run of the mill, 5 years to adopt anything loser. When many are exited, "i got a blue tooth phone." people won't know i have had a bt phone for over 4 years already and am always with the latest and unknown. But... This headset is so damn good, i have to use it. Battery is awesome. Never drops connection, and auto connects when you flip open the boom.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Yea, this was pretty cool. So loud. I have a video, but don't know how to get it up... any suggestions? Cars were breaking their suspension from the rough San Jose streets going 180 mph over the light rail tracks.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Napa Trip + Wagon

Napa Trip + Wagon
Originally uploaded by elreyblanco.

Napa was pretty great. And... it provided some great car backgrounds.

This picture was taken by an expert photographer at Sterling Vineyards.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Ah yea

Ah yea

I got a bike today. Honda f4i... And here it is.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

lifted wrx

lifted wrx

What does a car say about its driver... Typically huge trucks = loser... Same with any rice mobiles, and once in a while you come across some car that affirms the inherent cool-ness of its owner. This is one example.

Saturday, February 12, 2005



Yea back at 100 . Hopefully i'll stay there. My best game is 94.