Saturday, August 16, 2008


Thought I'd get up some posts from the Harley trip. Visited A and K for their wedding, grabbed a Road King Classic for the weekend. Pretty bitchin. In a nutshell, here's the crazy stuff. Slept on a Bench in IN. hotels... overated. Lost shades, rode with no shades. Hitchhiked, Found out ABS on a bike is nice.... Hinkles Hinkles Hinkles. Of course the Wickersham experience was great. Oh and got to feel what a stun shot from a blowdart feels like. Its Awesome FYI. So as Reno Raines from Renegade would travel... Not bad.

So your saying there's a Chance

Here's how I figure McCain can pull off the win. I took the current Electoral College Map, and analyzed a few key states. FLA, NC, OH, CO and NM. These are currently in the Toss Up category. Well in NC, FL, CO it's advantage McCain, so I took those liberties. NM is a gonner, and OH has the possibility of going Red, so Basically if he can get Ohio, and split the rest of the toss ups, he's Good to Go.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Fiji Pics

So We've been a little lazy getting these up. Mostly we had to compile all thee different pictures from cameras and such.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Bad Day for Chemtrails

So I went out today about 11 am. Clear skies. Blue, sunny. Gonna be nice. 1 plane flying overhead. Mad this shirt, its another story. Then I looked up. 4 Chem trails. There hasn't been this much plane activity over my house ever. Normally a plane every few minutes. Maybe a chem, normally nothing. A contrail that disappears. All of the sudden, and don't tell me this is normal, I have two planes flying next to each other. like they are racing. And in a 2 hour span, I have more flight activity above the house than in a normal 4 day period. And boy are them chem trailing. I've got criss croses. The sky looks like a checkerboard. The pic of the chems crossing. That's the first time in history that two planes have flown that path above my house.

So here's the pix, say good bye to todays sun.Who wants to bet the weather report changes. This morning 90's all week. Nothing but sun. Topping out at 98. We'll see. What a bummer.

_Media Card_BlackBerry_pictures_IMG00153


Thursday, May 01, 2008

Lunar Lights on the Aquarium

Just got this new light. It pretty much lights up the entire room. The cool thing is that at night, the lunar blue LED's pop on.

Just wanted to share the pic.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kelley Park 08


It was the best show I'd been to in 6 years. 4 times bigger than the last 5 years... at least. The swap was good, the show filled all the pavement. What more could you ask for.

Funny, it took 11 hours to get the bug ready to make it. Then It broke three times on the way... but in the end, as you can see. For the first time in 10 years. The bug made it. And stood among 8-10 other conv... yes the only other verts there.

And only 1 67' as well. The red beast I parked next to. Take a look at the jump for more shots from the show.

So I met a few people there I knew. Some complained, "Yea I didn't make it down. The.... broke down..." This is the general excuse. I saw more air cooled VW's at the side of the road SAT. Well. I sure as heck wasn't going to not make it. If I had to push the bug there. I would make it. That's the real spirit of old... almost 50 year old VW's I think. BTW plenty made it.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

You're pretty much going to laugh

"click here"

I know it sucks to click on a link to go to a website. But you really need to check this out.

And the site is funny too.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Heart iPods

So we gathered all the pods together today. However, some members were unable to join us. There was the 60 gig non color screen, that took a dive with the REX. Also, Matt is the current owner of the original 5 gig with manual click wheel. Classic!

Anyway, I have to have the docks for the pods, it's like a rite they deserve. So i finally broke down and got the $40 dock for the touch! Hey didn't these things use to come with cases, docks, and remotes... Man. At least they aren't $500 dollars anymore. Oh wait.

Sunday, January 13, 2008


New Years recommendation:

You should be watching Frisky Dingo.

I wish season three of Frisky Dingo was upon us.

This week Joel showed me the funniest show pretty much ever. Anyway. I recommend you get your go ahead and watch Frisky Dingo Right now.

Hurry catch up. So you can be prepped for season 3 already.

PS. Safari is an ass. I was trying to upload this like 1 gillion times.