Monday, August 22, 2005

Well i finished putting in my lawn. Not bad, and it isn't dead yet. that'S because i have automatic sprinklers also.

Monday, August 15, 2005


Just in case you were wondering Here's what I am using this week. 7610, can't leave home w/o it. BB7250. In order to feel important I have decided I always need a blackberry. This is the latest, w/BT, andcolor screen with pix. My weekend phone V 70 has carried into the week, as it is just so cute. Last my new LG8100. WOW, awesome phone, CDMA is comin up. I have full movies on it, plus mp3's. The stereo speakers are beyond sufficient.

Exhaust Upgrade

I was really thinking about switching from my current Borla Hush setup to this bitchin setup. Let me know if you agree that this is pretty sick. Infact, I picked up some other good ideas here LINK I highly suggest you check it out.


Stupid Headset

You know i was so bummed about this headset. The moto hs 850. Everybody in the world has it and i will be indistinguisable from the masses. They will not know that i am an uber gadget guy, they will think i am some run of the mill, 5 years to adopt anything loser. When many are exited, "i got a blue tooth phone." people won't know i have had a bt phone for over 4 years already and am always with the latest and unknown. But... This headset is so damn good, i have to use it. Battery is awesome. Never drops connection, and auto connects when you flip open the boom.

Monday, August 01, 2005


Yea, this was pretty cool. So loud. I have a video, but don't know how to get it up... any suggestions? Cars were breaking their suspension from the rough San Jose streets going 180 mph over the light rail tracks.