Saturday, August 16, 2008


Thought I'd get up some posts from the Harley trip. Visited A and K for their wedding, grabbed a Road King Classic for the weekend. Pretty bitchin. In a nutshell, here's the crazy stuff. Slept on a Bench in IN. hotels... overated. Lost shades, rode with no shades. Hitchhiked, Found out ABS on a bike is nice.... Hinkles Hinkles Hinkles. Of course the Wickersham experience was great. Oh and got to feel what a stun shot from a blowdart feels like. Its Awesome FYI. So as Reno Raines from Renegade would travel... Not bad.

So your saying there's a Chance

Here's how I figure McCain can pull off the win. I took the current Electoral College Map, and analyzed a few key states. FLA, NC, OH, CO and NM. These are currently in the Toss Up category. Well in NC, FL, CO it's advantage McCain, so I took those liberties. NM is a gonner, and OH has the possibility of going Red, so Basically if he can get Ohio, and split the rest of the toss ups, he's Good to Go.